TISSO 卡尼丁 (加強配方) Pro Carnitin (120 capsules)
TISSO 卡尼丁加強版已正式推出,提供更有效纖體功能!
左旋肉鹼在脂肪燃燒中發揮著關鍵作用,將脂肪酸帶入細胞分解成能量。 TISSO卡尼丁 (加強配方) 不但提供水溶性的左旋肉鹼,還提供脂溶性的乙酰左旋肉鹼,具有神經活性,能穿過血腦屏障,是濡養大腦的左旋肉鹼。 配方並含有膽鹼,是屬於膽汁一部分的卵磷脂,對脂肪和膽固醇的代謝是不可或缺的; 珍貴的綠原酸是一種多酚,存在於綠色的無霜咖啡豆中,TISSO使用不含咖啡因的提取物,其中綠原酸含量高達70%;鎂和維他命C的配合使能量代謝更快速有效。
左旋肉鹼的膳食來源是紅肉,魚和乳製品。 對於多菜少肉或更喜歡鹼性食物人士,TISSO卡尼丁 (加強配方) 是極佳補充品。
成份:左旋卡尼丁(21.62%); 、乙酰左旋卡尼丁(17.50%); 、膽鹼L-酒石酸氫鹽 (VitaCholine®) (16.22%)、 普魯蘭多糖膠囊、 脫咖啡因綠色咖啡豆提取物(14.70%)、甘胺酸鎂(13.78%)、維他命C棕榈酸酯 。
德國TISSO公司以科研見稱,特別注重以天然食材提供足夠養份濡養細胞,促進正常新陳代謝幫助抗衰老。所採⽤物料經嚴格挑選,全天然不含任何化學添加,並驗證不含重金屬殺蟲劑和輻射成份,製作過程先進操控嚴謹,確保產品能釋出最⼤養份⽽又能被身體充份吸收。配⽅由Dr Heinrich Kremer MD 及其科研團隊研發,由TISSO創辦⼈Albert Hesse 監管製定。
TISSO Pro Carnitin improved formula for higher fat-burning!
L-Carnitin plays a key role in fat burning as it carries fatty acids into the cells where they are broken down into energy. TISSO Pro Carnitin increases your own carnitine supply with both water-soluble and fat-soluble forms of L-carnitine. Acetyl-L-Carnitine, known as the L-Carnitine of the brain, is fat-soluble and neuroactive, with ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Choline is a lecithin that’s part of our bile, and is indispensable for the metabolism of fats and cholesterols. The valuable chlorogenic acid is a polyphenol found in green, unfrosted coffee beans. TISSO uses a decaffeinated extract with a particularly high chlorogenic acid content of 70%. The supplement also includes magnesium and Vitamin C to make energy metabolism more efficient.
Dietary sources of L-Carnitin are red meat, fish and dairy products. For those who prefer more vegetables and alkaline foods, Pro Carnitin is an excellent health supplement.
L-carnitine tartrate (21.62%); Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride (17.50%); Choline-L-bitartrate (VitaCholine®) (16.22%); Coating agent: pullulan (capsule size 00); decaffeinated green coffee bean extract (14.70%); Magnesium bisglycinate (13.78%); Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate).
Recommended dosage:
Take 4 capsules daily with enough liquid and best at least half an hour before a meal. Recommend to start with 1 capsule on the first day, and increase by 1 capsule each day until 4 capsules are reached.
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