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北歐野莓傳統香料酒 (無酒精) Nordic Mulled Wine made from organic berry juices (non alcohol)

食療主義誠意推介北歐野莓傳統香料酒(無酒精)- 冬季最佳享受!

Enjoy Nordic Mulled Wine made from Organic Berry Juices, Spices and no alcohol!北歐野莓傳統香料酒

北歐森林藍莓、黑加侖子沙棘越橘的純冷榨果汁,浸入玉桂、丁香、八角等全有機香料,再用原生非精煉蔗糖加一點甜味,炮製出來就是獨一無二的果汁 mulled wine,味道比歐洲用葡萄酒製成的傳統香料酒更加美味,在寒冷的冬季晚上加熱飲用,享受家庭溫暖,這就是mulled wine 的用意。到現在還有很多歐洲市鎮在廣場上送上 mulled wine 讓群眾分享並暖手,在聖誕或過年的日子裏氣氛更好。


Loov 北歐傳統香料酒有藍莓黑加侖子、沙棘、越橘三款,在佐敦及中環門市有售,亦歡迎網上訂購。禮盒裝 $138 會員價九折,門市有售非禮盒裝原價 $128 會員價九折。

Soak in the juices of Nordic blueberries, blackcurrantseabuckthorn or lingonberries some fragrant spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and star anise, add a bit of unrefined cane sugar for mild sweetening, and you have mulled wine without alcohol that is as delicious as the original ones made from alcoholic wine! You can add a teaspoonful of rum for added flavour, if so desired.

A traditional winter favourite in Europe, mulled wine is best enjoyed on a cold winter evening, heated and shared with with family and friends.  It remains popular in many European towns and cities where mulled wine is shared at public squares for enjoyment and hand-warming, especially during Christmas and new year holidays.




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